The Joy of Missing Out

The Joy is in the Journey

When I was younger I was so impatient, always in a rush. I have gotten better, however sometimes I still get caught up in the go-go-go cycle. What is happening? What am I missing out on? After last year’s checking in to see what was happening in the world, I found it makes me anxious, not being able to sit still or focus. We say this summer is all about going with the slow. Really slow, like at a snail’s pace…

I saw a great acronym the other day: JOMO (the joy of missing out) How awesome is that?

Let’s not always be in a rush…let’s live a little…trust in the will all get done when and how it should. The news, the social media, the rushing to get “back to normal” just because we can is way overrated. The crowds, the traffic, it will all be there when we return. For now, let’s practice JOMO, find that joy of not knowing.

Can you remember back to when you would sit down at a table, either for dinner or a cup of coffee/tea and not have a phone? You would look around, look at the person across from you and have a real conversation? You would not be distracted by a shiny flat electronic device, but by the people or things around you. Your senses would be heightened and you were freer because you were not worried about what was happening that exact moment about anything except what was in front you. You were not stressed about work, what celebrity was in rehab, who broke up with that moment it did not matter if some politician was being mean or someone suffering mental angst was doing bad things...or hearing about some natural disaster...for a moment in time, everything was OK. And it will be OK. If we collectively take a moment to just be.

Missing out is just a feeling, in actuality you are living. You are learning what it is like to sit and smile. Laugh and relax. Give in to the fact that life is meant to be lived and enjoyed. How and when did we lose that? If something is super important you must trust that you will find out about it. If not, then it was not that important and life goes on. Release the cycle of being constantly in the know. Simply be in the moment. Be still. Exhale and enjoy. 

Find the joy in missing out. Then start telling everyone about JOMO. Play it with others.

Try it, you might just like it.