How people use their Travelers Notebooks Pt 1: Dani and her trip to Paris


Ever since Midori - now Traveler's Company Japan - introduced the Traveler's Notebooks and the Traveler's Notebook line of inserts, people from all over the world have customized and made them their very own.  Which is wonderful because that is what the designers in Japan had always hoped for. 

The Paper Seahorse has held several large gatherings of TN enthusiasts and we are very happy to share with you some of what our community brought into the studio to share.

Here is Dani sharing her Traveler's Notebook capturing her experiences travelling to Paris, France.  She keeps this notebook as a living reminder of her travel adventures.  She uses a regular size, brown Traveler's Notebook leather cover with just the 003 Traveler's Notebook Blank MD Paper refills.  Some washi tape and some sweet-smelling Coccoina glue sticks and priceless treasures from her travels is all she needs.

How do you use your Traveler's Notebook?  Please let us know! Please comment below.