Your Peaceful Oasis in the Storm of Digital Distractions

Slow down. Let go of technology for a bit and discover the power to create positive change through engaging analog practices. 

Too much screen time results in an unhealthy imbalance that leads to negative consequences. These can include: anxiety, depression, lack of sleep, poor performance, failed relationships, and a wide range of health issues. Just doing a Digital Detox, or taking a break from our phones, social media and the like is not enough. The evidence is clear – adding analog behaviors like writing by hand with paper and pen can significantly improve mental health, physical health, productivity, and relationships.

Our mission at the Paper Seahorse is to help people rediscover their natural human power that is often lost or forgotten in the digital chaos. We believe in the power of connection to ourselves and others is one of the most important aspects to a balanced existence. When we have an enhanced relationship with ourselves, we have better relationships with others. Having genuine connection to others in a healthy way is one of the easiest ways to be happier, have purpose and create change. 

We can do this in many ways. Often creating change can be painful and uncomfortable. The sooner we realize and accept that change is the only constant in life, then we can embrace it. It is a gift to understand that many experiences are fleeting. Whether they are what we call negative or positive, all things change. Nothing stays the same, so things can improve or they can be different. When we open our minds to different experiences, people and things, we give ourselves a gift. 

This gift helps us get into flow state. That peaceful, immersive feeling when we are doing something fully present. When we are fully aware and lose all track of time. Laughing with friends, practicing yoga, reading an engrossing book, when time flies by...these are the moments we cherish and remember. These are not screen or digital activities, these are in real life moments. Life is made up of tiny moments that add up to your big life. Flow state is a gift you can receive over and over again. 

Once you capture that connection, you begin to realize how important it is for yourself and others. As our studio moves towards more transformative experiences and moments, we hope you will join us on this journey. We want to enhance your connections through these principles:


May we all be happy, healthy and healed.